How many times a week should you do Tai Chi

How many times a week should you do Tai Chi?

Tai Chi originated as a Chinese martial art, which gradually evolved into a health training exercise. The exercise has been practiced in China for hundreds of years. It has been shown in numerous recent studies that it can prevent a wide range of health problems. Therefore, many people are treated as supplements or medications for their health conditions. Thus, students frequently ask me how many times a week should you do Tai chi,  and for how long does it take to learn, well both these question is very tricky to answer, and I am going to explain why in this article.

How many times a week should you do Tai Chi

In my opinion, this question can lead to many misunderstandings. Firstly, Tai Chi is not medicine, therefore it should not be administered at a set dosage. It is an martial art and health cultivating exercise, and also a lifestyle, I have seen Tai Chi grandmasters spend hours each day perfecting their techniques, then it becomes part of their lifestyle, and everything they do is Tai Chi, so they are literally doing Tai Chi all the time. 

Ok, I am not grandmaster, just give me numbers, how many times a week should You do Tai Chi?

As for the beginner of Tai Chi, there is no one-size-fits-all formula. Everyone has different fitness level, level of commitment, and the end goal. It is generally recommended that beginners practice for at least 1 hour per day, three to four times per week. Of course, if you can, more is better. 

It is generally recommended that beginners practice for at least 1 hour per day, three to four times per week. Of course, if you can, more is better. 

If you are extremely busy and can’t find time to do Tai Chi, I recommend breaking up the form and practicing smaller parts at a time, so you can do it over your lunch break or while waiting for the train. remember, Doing little bit of training every day is better than doing a lot in one go. 

Additionally, consistency also another important factor, you won’t develop muscle memory and  This holds true for all types of exercise, not just Tai Chi. 

How Long does it take to learn Tai Chi?

Another tricky question, to put it simply, if you learn basic 24 form, it usually takes one week to a month, depending on how often you practice. This is just to memorize all the forms and sequences; you haven’t reached the core yet.

I mentioned above that many grandmasters learn something new every day as they master their technique, so it is never-ending learning process.